Hookah Education, Shisha

From beginners to frequent smokers and hookah pros – burning your bowl and getting a harsh hookah can happen to the best of us at some point or other. But fear not, ‘cause we’re here to help you prevent doing just that! There are a variety of signs of when a hookah overheats, so let’s first go over those before we jump into learning how to keep a harsh hookah from happening.


Tell-tale signs your bowl is overheating:

  • Flavor tastes inaccurate or burnt
  • It is very hot to smoke
  • Clouds are wispy
  • Session duration is short

Now, let’s dive into those preventative measures that’ll guarantee you a smooth and enjoyable session each time.



The root cause of hookah harshness from a burning bowl usually comes from not having the proper packing method for the tobacco that you’re using. If you need a refresher on how to pack Fumari, we’ve got you covered with this blog. Having the proper packing method is a key factor and the most important step in preventing your hookah from overheating. It is your foundation, and without a good pack all of the other tips in this article won’t be nearly as effective! The right pack ensures proper airflow and heat distribution amongst the leaves. All we want to do is heat the tobacco and its juices just enough to release smoke, not actually burn the tobacco. The proper pack helps us in our quest to achieve this.

A common packing method mistake is overpacking the tobacco. In other words, there is too much tobacco in the bowl. Overpacking doesn’t allow the tobacco to breathe properly, and it creates direct contact with the heat which causes the tobacco to literally burn.



The amount of Cocofire Charcoal needed for a session depends on a couple of different factors. If you’re using Fumari tobacco, a safe place to start is with three large coconut coals (25-26mm) when using foil and two if you’re using a Heat Management Device like the Kaloud Lotus. As your session progresses your coals will become smaller and provide less heat. Be sure to add coals as needed!

If you are using smaller-sized coconut cubes, like Cocofire 22mm Cubes, you can safely start with an extra piece of coal. Check out the chart below.



  25-26mm Cube Coconut Coal 22mm Cube Coconut Coal
Foil Covered Bowl 3 4
 Kaloud Lotus 1+ 2 3


*The chart assumes you’re are using a standard-sized clay bowl (3-inches wide, 20-30 grams of tobacco). Fruit bowls will typically require more heat, and smaller/mini bowls would need less.


If you use too many coals on top of your bowl, it’s a very sure way to burn it. No proper packing method, or no amount of heat management, will be able to save your bowl.

Note: Do not preheat your heat management device (Kaloud Lotus/Provost) because it will more than likely scorch and burn your tobacco. If it doesn’t burn the tobacco from the start, it will at the very least shock the tobacco which will negatively affect the flavor and longevity of the bowl. It’s best to let the bowl gradually heat up for the first 5 minutes so that you can monitor the heat levels and make adjustments as necessary.



We’d all love it if we can add Cocofire Charcoal to a bowl and then be worry-free until a fresh set of coals are needed, right? Well, unfortunately, that isn’t the case. A hookah bowl needs tender loving care to be consistent throughout the entire duration of the session. Coal placement and adjustments are important to avoid hookah harshness and to keep your hookah smoking properly!


With foil, you’ll want to place your coals in a triangle formation at opposite corners of the bowl. If it becomes too cool, bring the coals in a bit more. If it starts getting hot, pull some heat away by bringing them more towards the edges of the bowl. Don’t be afraid to have them hanging slightly off the edge.

If your bowl begins to get a harsh taste, make sure to pull some of the heat back by removing or repositioning your coal right away. Also, blow into your hose to purge (or release) the hot smoke from your base. Once you feel the temperature is more regulated, you can add some heat back and continue your session.


Tip: Don’t forget to ash your coals. The loose ash on the coal needs to be knocked off periodically. Without doing this, you will be cutting off oxygen to the coals. They will eventually “blackout” and not produce enough to keep your bowl smoking. The loose ash can also get inside of your bowl through the holes in the foil, or the bottom of your HMD, which will impact the taste of your tobacco.

To sum it up, perfecting hookah takes practice. And yes, sometimes we all hit the “point of no return” where a burnt bowl cannot be revived no matter how many adjustments you make. However, you’ll be sure to improve your chances of preventing an overheated, harsh hookah if you follow the steps in this guide. We hope you found this information helpful, and we’ll see you in the next one!

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January 2025
